lockitver|DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE! 2896dlga_award_fief_to_vassal_2:clo ترجمة - lockitver|DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE! 2896dlga_award_fief_to_vassal_2:clo الإنجليزية كيف أقول


lockitver|DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE! 2896
dlga_award_fief_to_vassal_2:close_window|Comme vous voudrez, {monsieur/madame}. {reg6?Je:{reg7?Vous :{s11}}} {régnerai/régnerez} désormais sur {s1}.
dlga_event_triggered:center_captured_rebellion|{s1} n'est géré par personne. À qui vais-je confier cette responsabilité ?
dlga_center_captured_rebellion:center_captured_rebellion_2|{s11}. {s1}
dlga_center_captured_rebellion:center_captured_rebellion_2.1|S'il vous plaît {s65}, je voudrais être à la tête de {s1}. (fiefs : {s0})
dlga_center_captured_rebellion:center_captured_rebellion_2.2|{s66}, vous devriez être à la tête de {s1}. (fiefs : {s0})
dlga_center_captured_rebellion_2:close_window|Hmmm... Très bien, {playername}. J'apprécie fortement votre conseil. {reg6?Je serai:{reg7?Vous serez:{s11}}} {reg3?la nouvelle dame:le nouveau seigneur} de {s1}.
dlga_start:fighter_talk|Bonjour. Nous peaufinons nos techniques de combat avec un peu d'entraînement au corps à corps. Visiblement, un peu d'entraînement ne vous ferait pas de mal. Joignez-vous à nous et nous vous montrerons quelques astuces. Et si vous avez besoin d'explications sur différents concepts de combat, je ferai de mon mieux pour vous donner satisfaction.
dlga_start:fighter_talk.1|À quoi souhaitez-vous vous entraîner ?
dlga_fighter_pretalk:fighter_talk|Dites-moi à quoi vous souhaitez vous entraîner.
dlga_fighter_talk:fighter_talk_train_attack|Je souhaite m'entraîner à attaquer.
dlga_fighter_talk:fighter_talk_train_parry|Je souhaite m'entraîner à bloquer avec mon arme.
dlga_fighter_talk:fighter_talk_train_combat|Entraînons-nous au corps à corps.
dlga_fighter_talk_train_attack:fighter_talk_train_attack_2|Très bien. Vous pourrez principalement porter quatre types de coups : vers la gauche, vers la droite, vertical et l'estoc. À présent, je vais vous indiquer de quelle direction attaquer, puis ce sera à vous. ^^(Déplacez votre souris tout en appuyant sur le bouton gauche de la souris pour indiquer la direction de l'attaque. Par exemple, pour une attaque verticale, déplacez la souris vers le haut au moment où vous appuyez sur le bouton gauche de la souris. Les icônes qui s'affichent à l'écran sont là pour vous guider.)
dlga_fighter_talk_train_attack_2:close_window|Commençons, alors. Je suis prêt.
dlga_fighter_talk_train_attack_2:fighter_pretalk|En fait, j'aimerais faire autre chose.
dlga_fighter_talk_train_parry:fighter_talk_train_parry_2|Contrairement à un bouclier, bloquer avec une arme stoppe uniquement les attaques venant d'une direction. Par exemple, si vous bloquez vers le haut, vous déviez les attaques verticales, mais vous n'êtes pas à l'abri des coups latéraux ou des coups d'estoc. ^^(Pour bloquer, vous devez appuyer sur le bouton droit de la souris et le maintenir enfoncé.)
dlga_fighter_talk_train_parry_2:fighter_talk_train_parry_3|Je vais maintenant combiner différents coups et attendre que vous adoptiez le blocage qui convient avant d'attaquer. Essayez d'adopter le bon blocage dès que possible. ^^(Cet entraînement est facilité par le paramètre par défaut de direction de blocage automatique. Si vous accédez au menu Options et modifiez le contrôle de direction de défense sur 'mouvement de la souris' ou 'clavier', vous devrez choisir manuellement la direction de blocage. Certes, c'est plus difficile, mais également plus intéressant. Cet entraînement peut s'avérer très utile si vous utilisez le blocage manuel.)
dlga_fighter_talk_train_parry_3:close_window|Commençons, alors. Je suis prêt.
dlga_fighter_talk_train_parry_3:fighter_pretalk|En fait, j'aimerais faire autre chose.
dlga_fighter_talk_train_combat:fighter_talk_train_combat_2|Le corps à corps constitue un excellent moyen de se préparer au combat. Nous commencerons par nous battre avec des armes non mortelles, jusqu'à ce que l'un de nous tombe à terre. Certes, vous en garderez peut-être quelques bleus, mais c'est mieux que de vous faire massacrer en situation de combat réel.
dlga_fighter_talk_train_combat_2:close_window|Commençons, alors. Je suis prêt.
dlga_fighter_talk_train_combat_2:fighter_pretalk|En fait, j'aimerais faire autre chose.
dlga_start:fighter_parry_try_again|Parfait. Vous avez brillamment bloquer mes attaques. Vous pouvez recommencer cet entraînement pour gagner en rapidité jusqu'à ce que vous ayez confiance en vos qualités défensives. Voulez-vous réessayer ?
dlga_start:fighter_parry_try_again.1|Eh bien, ce n'était pas vraiment ça, hein ? (N'oubliez pas qu'il vous faut appuyer sur le bouton droit de la souris et le maintenir enfoncé pour un blocage efficace.) Voulez-vous réessayer ?
dlga_fighter_parry_try_again:fighter_talk_train_parry|Oui. Réessayons.
dlga_fighter_parry_try_again:fighter_talk_leave_parry|Non, ça suffit pour le moment.
dlga_start:fighter_parry_warn|Hé ! On s'entraîne au blocage, l'ami ! Vous êtes censé bloquer mes attaques et pas contre-attaquer.
dlga_fighter_parry_warn:fighter_talk_train_parry|Excusez-moi. Réessayons.
من: -
إلى: -
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
lockitver| DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE! 2896dlga_award_fief_to_vassal_2:close_window| As you want, {dear}. {reg6? I: {reg7? You:{s11}}} {will reign / régnerez} to {s1}.dlga_event_triggered:center_captured_rebellion| {s1} is managed per person. To whom I entrust this responsibility?dlga_center_captured_rebellion:center_captured_rebellion_2| {s11}. {s1}dlga_center_captured_rebellion:center_captured_rebellion_2.1| Please {s65}, I would be at the head of {s1}. (fiefs: {s0})dlga_center_captured_rebellion:center_captured_rebellion_2.2| {s66}, you should be at the head of {s1}. (fiefs: {s0})dlga_center_captured_rebellion_2:close_window|Hmmm... Very well, {playername}. I highly appreciate your advice. {reg6? I will be: {reg7? You will be:{s11}}} {reg3? the new Lady: the new Lord} {s1}.dlga_start:fighter_talk| Hello. We are fine-tuning our combat techniques with a little melee training. Obviously, a bit of training you would not be wrong. Join us and we'll show you a few tricks. And if you need explanations on different concepts of combat, I'll do my best to give you satisfaction.dlga_start:fighter_talk.1| What would lead you?dlga_fighter_pretalk:fighter_talk| Tell me what you want to practice.dlga_fighter_talk:fighter_talk_train_attack| I want to train to attack.dlga_fighter_talk:fighter_talk_train_parry|Je souhaite m'entraîner à bloquer avec mon arme.dlga_fighter_talk:fighter_talk_train_combat|Entraînons-nous au corps à corps.dlga_fighter_talk:close_window|[Quitter]dlga_fighter_talk_train_attack:fighter_talk_train_attack_2|Très bien. Vous pourrez principalement porter quatre types de coups : vers la gauche, vers la droite, vertical et l'estoc. À présent, je vais vous indiquer de quelle direction attaquer, puis ce sera à vous. ^^(Déplacez votre souris tout en appuyant sur le bouton gauche de la souris pour indiquer la direction de l'attaque. Par exemple, pour une attaque verticale, déplacez la souris vers le haut au moment où vous appuyez sur le bouton gauche de la souris. Les icônes qui s'affichent à l'écran sont là pour vous guider.)dlga_fighter_talk_train_attack_2:close_window|Commençons, alors. Je suis prêt.dlga_fighter_talk_train_attack_2:fighter_pretalk|En fait, j'aimerais faire autre chose.dlga_fighter_talk_train_parry:fighter_talk_train_parry_2|Contrairement à un bouclier, bloquer avec une arme stoppe uniquement les attaques venant d'une direction. Par exemple, si vous bloquez vers le haut, vous déviez les attaques verticales, mais vous n'êtes pas à l'abri des coups latéraux ou des coups d'estoc. ^^(Pour bloquer, vous devez appuyer sur le bouton droit de la souris et le maintenir enfoncé.)dlga_fighter_talk_train_parry_2:fighter_talk_train_parry_3| I now combine different shots and wait that you adopt blocking that should be before attacking. Try to adopt good blocking as soon as possible. ^ ^(Cet entraînement est facilité par le paramètre par défaut de direction de blocage automatique.) If you go to the Options menu and change control of direction of defence on 'mouse movement' or 'keyboard', you will need to manually choose the direction of blocking. Certainly, it is more difficult, but also more interesting. This training can be very useful if you use the manual blocking.)dlga_fighter_talk_train_parry_3:close_window| Start, then. I am ready.dlga_fighter_talk_train_parry_3:fighter_pretalk| In fact, I would like to do something else.dlga_fighter_talk_train_combat:fighter_talk_train_combat_2| Melee is an excellent way to prepare for combat. We will begin by fight with non-lethal weapons, until one of us falls to the ground. Although you will maybe keep a few blues, it's better to get massacred in real combat situations.dlga_fighter_talk_train_combat_2:close_window| Start, then. I am ready.dlga_fighter_talk_train_combat_2:fighter_pretalk| In fact, I would like to do something else.dlga_start:fighter_parry_try_again|Parfait. Vous avez brillamment bloquer mes attaques. Vous pouvez recommencer cet entraînement pour gagner en rapidité jusqu'à ce que vous ayez confiance en vos qualités défensives. Voulez-vous réessayer ?dlga_start:fighter_parry_try_again.1|Eh bien, ce n'était pas vraiment ça, hein ? (N'oubliez pas qu'il vous faut appuyer sur le bouton droit de la souris et le maintenir enfoncé pour un blocage efficace.) Voulez-vous réessayer ?dlga_fighter_parry_try_again:fighter_talk_train_parry|Oui. Réessayons.dlga_fighter_parry_try_again:fighter_talk_leave_parry|Non, ça suffit pour le moment.dlga_start:fighter_parry_warn|Hé ! On s'entraîne au blocage, l'ami ! Vous êtes censé bloquer mes attaques et pas contre-attaquer.dlga_fighter_parry_warn:fighter_talk_train_parry|Excusez-moi. Réessayons.dlga_fighter_parry_w
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
lockitver | DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE! 2896
dlga_award_fief_to_vassal_2: close_window | As you wish, {sir / madam}. I Reg6 {{You REG7: {s11}}? {} reign / reign now} to {s1}.
dlga_event_triggered: center_captured_rebellion | {s1} is managed by anyone. To whom shall I entrust this responsibility?
Dlga_center_captured_rebellion: center_captured_rebellion_2 | {s11}. {s1}
dlga_center_captured_rebellion: center_captured_rebellion_2.1 | Please {s65}, I would be at the head of {s1}. (fiefs: {s0})
dlga_center_captured_rebellion: center_captured_rebellion_2.2 | {S66}, you should be at the head of {s1}. (fiefs: {s0})
dlga_center_captured_rebellion_2: close_window | Hmmm ... Okay, {playername}. I highly appreciate your advice. {? I'll Reg6: {REG7 You will: {s11}}?} of {s1} {reg3 the new woman the new lord?}.
dlga_start: fighter_talk | Hello. We are refining our combat techniques with a little training melee. Obviously, a little practice will not hurt you. Join us and we will show you some tricks. And if you need an explanation of different fighting concepts, I will do my best to give you satisfaction.
Dlga_start: fighter_talk.1 | What do you want to lead?
Dlga_fighter_pretalk: fighter_talk | Tell me what you want lead.
dlga_fighter_talk: fighter_talk_train_attack | I want to train to attack.
dlga_fighter_talk: fighter_talk_train_parry | I want to train myself to hang with my weapon.
dlga_fighter_talk: fighter_talk_train_combat | train us in melee good. You can carry four main types of strokes: to the left, to the right, vertical and thrusting. Now I will tell you which direction to attack, then it will be yours. ^^ (Move your mouse while pressing the left mouse button to indicate the direction of the attack. For example, for a vertical attack, move the mouse up when you press the left button . The mouse icons that appear on screen are there to guide you). dlga_fighter_talk_train_attack_2: close_window | Let's start then. I'm ready. Dlga_fighter_talk_train_attack_2: fighter_pretalk | In fact, I would do something else. Dlga_fighter_talk_train_parry: fighter_talk_train_parry_2 | Unlike a shield block with a gun only stops attacks from one direction. For example, if you block up, you deviate vertical attack, but you are not free from side blows or strokes thrusting. ^^ (To block, you must press the right mouse button and hold.) Dlga_fighter_talk_train_parry_2: fighter_talk_train_parry_3 | I will now combine different shots and expect that you adopt suitable blocking before attacking. Try to adopt good lock as soon as possible. ^^ (This training is facilitated by the default setting for the automatic locking direction. If you access the Options menu and change the defense management control over 'mouse move' or 'key', you will need to manually choose the direction . blocking Certainly, it is more difficult but also more interesting This workout can be very useful if you use the manual lock).. dlga_fighter_talk_train_parry_3: close_window | Let's start then. I'm ready. Dlga_fighter_talk_train_parry_3: fighter_pretalk | In fact, I would do something else. Dlga_fighter_talk_train_combat: fighter_talk_train_combat_2 | The melee is a great way to prepare for battle. We will start with fight with non-lethal weapons until one of us falls down. True, you might keep a few bruises, but it is better than you get slaughtered in real combat situation. Dlga_fighter_talk_train_combat_2: close_window | Let's start then. I'm ready. Dlga_fighter_talk_train_combat_2: fighter_pretalk | In fact, I would do something else. Dlga_start: fighter_parry_try_again | Perfect. You have brilliantly block my attacks. You can repeat this drive to gain speed until you have confidence in your defensive qualities. Want to try again? Dlga_start: fighter_parry_try_again.1 | Well, it was not really that, huh? (Remember that you must press the right mouse button and hold for effective blocking.) Do you want to try again? Dlga_fighter_parry_try_again: fighter_talk_train_parry | Yes. 's Try again. Dlga_fighter_parry_try_again: fighter_talk_leave_parry | No, that's enough for now. Dlga_start: fighter_parry_warn | Hey! We train blocking, friend! You are supposed to block my attacks not against attack. Dlga_fighter_parry_warn: fighter_talk_train_parry | Excuse me. 's Try again. Dlga_fighter_parry_w

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
lockitver | do not delete this line. 2896dlga _ _ award fee _ to _ vassal _: closed _ window | as you please, sir / madam. {}. (reg6? i (reg7? : {10}}} {v} now rule rule {s1}.dlga _ event triggered _ center _ captured _ | {s1} rebellion is managed by person. who do i give this responsibility?dlga _ center _ captured _ rebellion: center _ captured _ rebellion _ | (s11) 2. {s1}dlga _ center _ captured _ rebellion: center _ captured _ rebellion _ 2.1 | please (s65), i would like to be at the forefront of {s1}. (fiefs: {s0})dlga _ center _ captured _ rebellion: center _ captured _ rebellion (s66) _ 2.2 |, shouldn't you be at the head of {s1}. (fiefs: {s0})dlga _ center _ captured _ rebellion _: closed _ window | mm. well, playername {a}. i greatly appreciate your advice. (reg6? i'm (reg7? you are: {s2}}} {reg3? the new queen: the new lord} {s1}.dlga _ start: fighter _ talk |. we are refining our combat techniques with some training in hand to hand combat. well, a little practice wouldn't hurt you. - would you like to join us, and we will show you some tricks. and if you need on the various concepts of struggle, i will do my best to give you satisfaction.dlga _ start: fighter _ talk.1 | what would you like to have?dlga _ fighter _ fighter _ | pretalk: "tell me what you want to be.dlga _ fighter _ talk: fighter _ talk _ train _ attack | i have to attack.dlga _ fighter _ talk: fighter _ talk _ train _ parry | i have to block my weapon.dlga _ fighter _ talk: fighter _ talk _ train _ | are we fighting hand to hand.dlga _ fighter _ talk: closed _ window | [leave]dlga _ fighter _ talk _ train _ attack: fighter _ talk _ train _ 2 | _ attack very well. you will be able to focus on four types of shots, to the left, to the right, vertical, and the sword. now, i will show you which direction attack, and then you. ^ ^ (move your mouse while pressing the left mouse button to indicate the direction of the attack. for example, a vertical attack, move the mouse to the top when you press the left mouse button. the icons are displayed on the screen are there to guide you.dlga _ fighter _ talk _ train _ attack _: closed _ window | begin, then. i'm ready.dlga _ fighter _ talk _ train _ attack _ fighter _ pretalk |: actually, i'd like to do something else.dlga _ fighter _ talk _ train _ parry: fighter _ talk _ train _ parry _ 2 | as a shield, blocking with the gun's only attacks from one direction. for example, if you get to the top, you're drifting vertical attacks, but you're not from the phone calls, lateral or sword. ^ ^, to block, you have to press the right mouse button and hold him down.dlga _ fighter _ talk _ train _ parry _: fighter _ talk _ train _ parry _ 3 | now combine different moves and wait for you on the block who is attacking. try to adopt a block as soon as possible. ^ ^, this training is facilitated by the default setting of automatic block direction. if you go to the options menu and change the control of defence on the movement of the mouse or the keyboard, you will need to manually select the direction of blocking. of course, it is more difficult, but also more interesting. this can be very useful if you are using the block manual).dlga _ fighter _ talk _ train _ parry _ 3: close _ window | begin, then. i'm ready.dlga _ fighter _ talk _ train _ parry _ fighter _ pretalk |: actually, i'd like to do something else.dlga _ fighter _ _ _ battle: "now" now _ _ _ combat fighter _ 2 | the clinch is an excellent way to prepare for the fight. we will fight with nonlethal weapons, until one of us falls to the ground. of course, you will maybe some blue, but it's better that you killed in combat.dlga _ fighter _ talk _ train _ fight _: closed _ window | begin, then. i'm ready.dlga _ fighter _ talk _ train _ fight _ fighter _ pretalk |: actually, i'd like to do something else.dlga _ start: fighter _ parry _ try _ | was perfect. how to block the attacks. you can repeat this training for speed until you have confidence in your ability and defensive. would you like to try again?dlga _ start: fighter _ parry _ try _ again.1 | well, it wasn't like that, huh? (don't forget that you have to press the right mouse button to block and hold him down.) do you want to try again?dlga _ fighter _ parry _ try again: "_ fighter _ _ parry | _ train. let's try again.dlga _ fighter _ parry _ try _ again: fighter _ talk _ _ parry | was enough for the moment.dlga _ start: fighter _ parry _ warn |! we are blocked, man! you're supposed to block my attack and counter attack.dlga _ fighter _ parry _ warn: fighter _ _ _ parry | talk now. excuse me. let's try again.dlga _ fighter _ parry _ w
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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