النتائج (
العربية) 3:
The بريتوريا High قصيرة وعليها) An Interim Order stating that السودانية اليوم (S/ الزعيم عمر البشير is barred from P The Country. He is Accused of committing جرائم الحرب, والجرائم المرتكبة ضد ذلك للحقوق والانسانية and The during conflict دارفور,and هاس عدد instructed to " in South Africa وهو يوم الاثنين " The قصيرة will take الى المقرر ان whether to هاند over الرئيس البشير to The International Criminal قصيرة ) ICC-ASP/). The from outset, اى بى we all and نقل that Forms of any الظلم are condemned in The strongest الالكترونية. tyrannical الواقع and perpetrators of mass القتل اى بى held قابل for their الجرائم, However ,This rule اى بى Applited to all نظرها WHO فال under The above and Not الوصف, وقد Select '.
IT- is اعماق " قد sense of embarrassment that I بعديد مسالة plaguing مانى عام educated mind: دو فيا think The ICC-ASP/ الواردة ever pursue عام Israeli, نورث ويسترن European الذهب American الزعيم as لمدة دو Africans? from What we اذا witnessed , and رقم التخمين of hypothetical استنتاجات المنظمة,The مجرد answer is رقم. الاول ايضا the " Current cases" الصفحة ومن The ICC-ASP/ الرسمية Website; there are a national 7 الخلايا; 7 African الزعماء a being tried; 7 نظرها being of الدولية tried. IT- is on Interest in The of progressiveness to propagate racist ideals " The motives دو Not حد,and some People ماى العزب if these that are of The نظرها بانه جرائم الحرب لمدة Who are The ones should Be tried. اولا, الوجوب completely any مان WHO orchestrates غروس Human Rights of الانتهاكات Another مان deserves to Be held قابل. However , knowledge Affairs of World Current IT- All Too المتعلقة بالشفافية that are African الزعماء only نظرها Not The WHO need to Be hounded by The ICC-ASP/.
(ث) Why is جورج بوش Not being tried مان WHO , The Modern Day , led حملة ضد العراق and افغانستان " سابقة motives and is المسؤولة for complete تدمير of The those countries? التاريخ الحق by cronie in savagery تونى بلير,The Washington DC - based الاطباء Responsibility for الاجتماعية (التجديد) عن landmark Study , this year CONCLUDING that The به ما from 10 years of The War "يمكن terror" The منذ 9 / 11 " is at least 1.3 مليون , and could Be as High as 2 مليون دولار. وقد that ايضا worthy of war الجريمة trial. Why is بنيامين نتنياهو Not being tried,)ا مان WHO launches عام الهجوم ومن The besieged of people غزة every 2 years, wreaking havoc and به that spare T" اليوم, " Children and ايفن من قبل shelters. The, منظمة العفو الدولية, Human Rights Watch , and The Human Rights Israeli منظمة بتسيلم, amongst مانى مع منظمات اخرى, اذا واسعا Fact - بعثات تقصى CONCLUDING that is اسرائيل بانه of war الجرائم nouveau.وقد that ايضا, Trial surely.
in Looking for Forced as to Why African الزعماء seem to Be The only نظرها pursued by The ICC-ASP/, الاول فى الكاميرون بندا shocking Fact: there are الدولى Agreements of The روما تاجيرها الاستعراض to by المسؤولية الالكترونية , including المادة 98 Agreements , bilateral الاجنبية Agreements ) "( الافلات Agreements , and bilateral عدم اما Agreements. الرصد in 2002 ,The United States عديدة ) these Agreements " Individual countries , and هاس Concluded at least One توفير such". countries that sign these " The United States to الوجوب Not اما الصيد to The jurisdiction of The International Criminal قصيرة. essentially,رقم American الزعيم will ever ازاء What is الرئيس البشير purely because The US هاس عدد المقاييس Mass " Diplomatic الترتيبات الحصرية "to them. The hypocrisy OF THE ICC-ASP/ is exposed, if by Nothing الصحة, then by these Agreements.
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