Une barbe bien taillée toujours j’entretiendrai Terminée la barbe long ترجمة - Une barbe bien taillée toujours j’entretiendrai Terminée la barbe long الإنجليزية كيف أقول

Une barbe bien taillée toujours j’e

Une barbe bien taillée toujours j’entretiendrai

Terminée la barbe longue de l’été, avec la tondeuse multi usage Stainless Steel il est temps de cultiver sa barbe courte et retrouver du style pour la rentrée. Pour un look soigné, une belle barbe demande un entretien rigoureux, d’être bien taillée et d’avoir les contours bien définis. Grâce à ses quatre guides de coupe interchangeables pour tailler sa barbe suivant ses envies (épaisse, moyenne ou barbe de 3 jours) et ses trois têtes pour éliminer les poils moins faciles d’accès (nez, oreilles et sourcils) plus d’excuse pour ne pas entretenir sa barbe.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
A neatly trimmed beard always I'll speak Completed the long beard of the summer, with the multi use Stainless Steel Clipper it is time to cultivate his short beard and look of style for the academic year. For a neat look, a nice beard requests a rigorous maintenance, to be neatly trimmed and have well-defined contours. Thanks to its four cutting guides interchangeable for trimming his beard following his desires (thick, medium or 3-day beard) and its three heads to eliminate less easy access (nose, ear and eyebrow) hair more excuse to not maintain his beard.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
A well-trimmed beard always I will nourish

Finished the long beard of the summer, with the mower multipurpose Stainless Steel it is time to cultivate his short beard and find the style for the autumn. For a polished look, a nice beard demand careful maintenance to be neatly trimmed and have well-defined contours. With four interchangeable cutting guides to trim his beard your style (thick, medium or 3 day beard) and its three heads to eliminate the less easily accessible hair (nose, ears and eyebrows) excuse for not maintain his beard.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
a beard well cut always i will provideover the long beard of the mower, with multi use stainless steel and it"s time to grow a beard, short and find a style for the home to look neat, beautiful beard, application maintenance, to be cut and the well-defined contours. with four cutting guides interchangeable cutting his beard after the cravings (coarse, medium, or stubble and its three heads to remove hair, less easy to access (nose, ears and eyebrows) as an excuse not to have a beard.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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