النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 3:
those parents, children often scores and measure the extent of a higher intelligence, and one of the more important objectives of education is to produce innovative entrepreneurs and members of the explorers and developers how to develop your child"s creativity, no impact on the level of school.studies have shown, including the history of artists like sites developed over the course of the study, and their influence on the initial centres in the course of their lives, but this rule is enforced, some studies have found that the creators of the famous program suffered during breaks in children as an inventor edison, who was called his father to extradite him from school for reasons of incompetence.and scientists through their work on monitoring and the development of creativity in order to identify a number of attributes that distinguish the creative child including the following:- creative child really paying attention to what is happening around him, and when he met a problem always find innovative solutions and is full of spirit and goodwill, to participate in the decision-making process, and a fingerprint events with the participation of the enterprises and the social presence.- a child, with his interest in the creative ideas and wastewater, echo, is in a constant search for the new, not for others, but also do not find problems with the abandonment of the old ideas and replace it with a new, if it considers it appropriate.- a number of trends, such as painting, reading, science experiments, and he can"t get enough, you can spend hours on the research and exploration.- noted that children are often the developers with a high degree of intelligence, where they are subjected to the action of the intelligence of the children, also found that children with high creativity tend to play the activities of other normal children.- controls the creative child strong desire to explore things around him, trying to understand, many questions and to explore what was agitated and tends to unpack and install it to discover its content.- creative child tends towards independence, with its guns and defended and rejects the subordination, and unscrupulous to take his mind if he wishes.the development of creativitysome people believe that intelligence is inherited by 80%, while others believe that it has acquired, and points out that a worker intelligence different from one person to the next, depending on the interests of mothers and their children, to help raise the level of their intelligence, memory and increase the reading skills they have. pointing to feed the children, before they are caring mothers increases the size of the area "alhaibokambas" in the child"s brain is responsible for memory and learning.and, of course, that is not the only role in intelligence, a key player in the development of creativity in children born to develop, there are activities must be exercised by the mother was encouraged, in particular:- allow the child to talk about himself and his ideas and that had attracted his attention and his thinking, first of all, creativity is self-confidence and the ability to articulate and share ideas.- play with toys based on the imagination, such as: idea and his puppet picnic or travel, or pick up the phone and call you for playing phone lift, or animal face ring and connected to the image, and then ask the child to the image of the animal.- stories of beauty on the development of the capacity to imagine, they refer to the spirit of the child"s interest and attention, and so on should be of significant children"s stories and events interact with the office.- draw attention to and provide raw materials and special tools, where the design is one of the effective ways to express what the child can not speak, as a means of emotional discharge returned to up and get rid of what changed in the drawing.- prepare the structure features of jaw sets as a very important example of the cube to develop capacity to innovate and develop creative thinking, this is the cup can change to create new things which did not exist before, come up with ideas, these games to stimulate innovation and creativity..- jokes and riddles are a f
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