Le prodigieux concert de propagande sans frontières au service du choc ترجمة - Le prodigieux concert de propagande sans frontières au service du choc الإنجليزية كيف أقول

Le prodigieux concert de propagande

Le prodigieux concert de propagande sans frontières au service du choc des civilisations parvient à installer la croyance que le Coran serait, pour l’essentiel, un manuel de conquête prônant le meurtre et la dévastation.
Les prêches télévisuels de nos pseudo-islamologues – et autres spécialistes autoproclamés du Coran, parmi lesquels on peut également placer un souffleur de braises comme Éric Zemmour aux côtés du prélat de l’athéisme militant Michel Onfray – nous montrent d’étonnantes convergences avec les prédications enflammées des wahhabites pur jus. Ce prodigieux concert de propagande sans frontières au service du choc des civilisations parvient à installer la croyance que le Coran serait, pour l’essentiel, un manuel de conquête prônant le meurtre et la dévastation à l’instar du Livre de Josué.
Aussi étrange que cela puisse paraître, les télévangélistes wahhabites qui dévoient la jeunesse musulmane, et les promoteurs occidentalistes du choc des cultures, travaillent en fait la main dans la main à la guerre civile globale. Les uns font la promotion de leur version de l’islam volontiers terroriste, tandis que les autres offrent aux peuples d’Occident cette vision wahhabisée de l’islam via des médias dont l’objectivité et l’indépendance sont devenues des sujets de dérision.
Cette confusion autour de l’islam traduit un autre problème : la profonde ignorance du contexte historique de la révélation coranique. Ignorance entretenue par les wahhabites qui, même s’ils connaissent le Coran par cœur, font fi du contexte dans lequel s’inscrivent les versets traitant de la guerre. Une démarche que récuse a priori le Coran lorsqu’il évoque « ceux dont le cœur est déviant » qui « s’attachent à ce que le Coran a d’équivoque par goût du trouble et pour chercher des interprétations douteuses… » (2:7).
Les rares occasions où l’on cite le Coran sont pour démontrer sa supposée violence intrinsèque en sortant un morceau de phrase d’un verset, lui-même extrait d’un groupe de versets indissociables. La phrase que l’on cite couramment pour démontrer que le Coran incite au meurtre des chrétiens et des juifs est celle-ci : « Tuez-les où vous les aurez accrochés. » Mais si on la replace dans son contexte, l’on comprend qu’il ne s’agit ni des chrétiens ni de juifs, mais des Mecquois alors païens qui persécutèrent les premiers musulmans. « Combattez sur le chemin de Dieu ceux qui vous combattent, sans pour autant commettre d’agression : Dieu déteste les agresseurs. Tuez-les où vous les aurez accrochés. Chassez-les d’où ils vont ont chassés. Car le trouble est plus grave que le meurtre. Mais ne les combattez pas auprès du Sanctuaire consacré à moins qu’ils ne vous y attaquent. S’ils le faisaient, alors combattez-les pareillement… cependant s’ils cessent… alors Dieu est Tout pardon, Miséricordieux » (2:190-192).
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Il ne s’agit pas ici de se lancer dans un exercice exégétique mais seulement de répondre aux affirmations non scientifiques, si largement répandues, en rappelant les circonstances de la guerre intervenue après l’exil du Prophète à Médine.
Durant treize années, le Prophète dut en effet subir à La Mecque harcèlement et humiliations, si bien qu’il fut contraint de gagner Médine. Les Mecquois, forts de ce premiers succès, conçurent le projet d’éliminer le Prophète. C’est dans cette occurrence que le Coran autorisa le combat… « Permission est donnée à ceux qui combattent pour avoir subi l’iniquité… à ceux qui furent évincés de leurs demeures à contre-droit, et seulement parce qu’ils disaient : “Notre Seigneur est Dieu” » (22:39-40).
Le verset 40 s’achève en exposant sans ambiguïté le principe islamique de la guerre, lequel contredit de façon cinglante la doctrine wahhabite prônant la destruction des lieux saints, en priorité ceux de l’islam : « Si Dieu ne repoussait pas certains hommes par d’autres, combien d’ermitages seraient abattus, d’églises, de synagogues, de mosquées où résonne sans trêve le rappel du nom de Dieu ! »
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
The prodigious concert of propaganda without borders at the service of the clash of civilizations was able to install the belief that the Koran is, in essence, a manual of conquest advocating murder and devastation.Sermons self-appointed television our nickname-islamologists - and other specialists of the Qur'an, among which we can also place a blower of embers as Éric Zemmour alongside the prelate of atheism activist Michel Onfray - show us amazing convergences with the Fiery preaching of the Wahhabis pure juice. This prodigious concert of propaganda without borders at the service of the clash of civilizations was able to install the belief that the Koran is, in essence, a manual of conquest advocating murder and devastation as the book of Joshua.As strange as it may seem, the Wahhabi televangelists who astray Muslim youth, and the occidentalistes proponents of the clash of cultures, work actually hand in hand global civil war. Each promote their version of islam willingly terrorist, while others offer the peoples of West this vision wahhabisee of islam via media objectivity and independence have become the subjects of derision.This confusion around islam translated another problem: the profound ignorance of the historical context of the Qur'anic revelation. Ignorance maintained by the Wahhabis who, even if they know the Koran by heart, disregard the context for the verses dealing with the war. An approach that rejects priori the Koran when he talks about 'those whose heart is deviant' which "attach to what the Koran has unequivocally by taste of disorder and to seek doubtful interpretations...» » (2:7).The rare occasions where we quote the Quran are to demonstrate his supposed intrinsic violence leaving a piece of sentence of a verse, itself extracted from a group of inseparable verses. The phrase is commonly cited to demonstrate that the Qur'an encourages the killing of Christians and Jews is this: "Kill them where you'll get hooked." But if on the places in its context, it is understood that it is neither Christians nor Jews, but the then-pagan Meccans who persecuted the early Muslims. "Fight on the way of God those who fight you, without however committing aggression: God hates the aggressors. '' Kill them where you'll get hooked. Drive them where they will have driven. Because the disorder is worse than murder. But don't tackle them to the sanctuary spent unless they you are attacked. "If they did, then fight them similarly... However if they desist... then God is any forgiveness, merciful" (2:190 - 192).Read also: scandal: swimming in the burka banned at the MoroccoIt is not here to engage in an Exegetical exercise but only to respond to non-scientific claims, if widespread, recalling the circumstances of the war intervened after the exile of the Prophet in Medina.During thirteen years, the Prophet indeed had to undergo to Mecca harassment and humiliation, so that he was forced to earn Medina. The Meccans, with this first success, conceived the project to eliminate the Prophet. It is in this case that the Koran authorized combat... "Permission is given to those who fight for having suffered the iniquity... those who were ousted from their homes in contre-droit, and only because they said: 'Our Lord is God'" (22:39-40).Verse 40 ends superscript without ambiguity the Islamic principle of war, which belies so scathing the Wahhabi doctrine advocating the destruction of the Holy places, in priority those of islam: «If God is not pushed some men by others, how many hermitages would be slaughtered, churches, synagogues, mosques where no truce resounds the recall of the name of God!»
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
The prodigious propaganda without Borders Concert in the service of the clash of civilizations unable to install the belief that the Quran is essentially a conquest Manual advocating the killing and devastation.
The television sermons of our pseudo-scholars of Islam - and other self-appointed experts of the Qur'an, among which one can also place a blower as embers Eric Zemmour alongside the Prelate of militant atheism Michel Onfray - amazing convergences show with fiery preaching of Wahhabi pure juice. This prodigious propaganda without Borders Concert in the service of the clash of civilizations unable to install the belief that the Quran is essentially a conquest Manual advocating the killing and devastation like the Book of Joshua.
Strange as it may seem, the Wahhabis televangelists who were to Muslim youth, and Westerners promoters of culture shock, actually work hand in hand with the overall civil war. Some are promoting their version of Islam terrorist willingly, while others offer the peoples of the West wahhabisée this vision of Islam through the media whose objectivity and independence have become subjects of derision.
This confusion around Islam reflects another problem: the profound ignorance of the historical context of the Qur'anic revelation. Ignorance maintained by the Wahhabis who, even if they know the Koran by heart, ignore the context within which the verses dealing with the war. An approach that rejects a priori the Koran when talking about "those whose heart is deviant" who "cling to what the Quran has to clear by taste disturbance and to seek dubious interpretations ..." (2: 7 ).
The few occasions when one quotes the Koran are supposed to demonstrate its intrinsic violence, taking a piece of sentence of a verse, itself taken from a group of inseparable verses. The phrase that is commonly cited to show that the Koran incites to murder Christians and Jews is this: "Kill them wherever you hang them. "But if one puts in context, we understand that it is neither Christian nor Jewish, but then pagan Meccans who persecuted the early Muslims. "Fight in the way of God those who fight you, without committing aggression: God hates the aggressors. Kill them where you will hang them. Turn them out from where they will have hunted. Because the disorder is more serious than murder. But do not fight them at the Sanctuary devoted unless they attack you there. If they did, then fight them equally ... however if they stop ... then God is all pardon, Merciful "(2: 190-192).
See also: Scandal: swimming prohibited in Morocco in burkas
It s' is not about to embark on an exegetical exercise but only to answer the unscientific claims, if widespread, recalling the circumstances of the war intervened after the exile of the Prophet in Medina.
For thirteen years the Prophet had indeed suffer Mecca harassment and humiliation, so he was forced to earn Medina. The Meccans, strengthened by this early success, conceived the idea of eliminating the Prophet. It is in this case that the Koran authorized the fight ... "Permission is given to those who fight to have suffered iniquity ... to those who were evicted from their homes against the law, and only because they said" Our Lord is God '"(22: 39-40).
Verse 40 ends stating unambiguously Islamic principle of war, which contradicts scathing Wahhabi doctrine advocating the destruction of holy sites, primarily those Islam: "If God did not prevent some men by others, how many would be shot hermitages, churches, synagogues, mosques, where resounds incessantly recall the name of God! "
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
the great concert of propaganda without borders in the clash of civilizations is the belief that the qur'an is installed, in the main, a manual of conquest for the murder and destruction. the sermons of our pseudo islamologues television and other self proclaimed experts from the koran.people can also place a burning blower as eric zemour alongside the prelate of the militant atheism, michel onfray reveal surprising similarities with the fiery sermons wahhabi pure juice. the great concert of propaganda without borders in the clash of civilizations is the belief that the qur'an is installed.for the most part, a manual for the murder of conquest and devastation, similar to the book of joshua. as strange as it may seem, the télévangélistes wahhabis who abuse the muslim youth officers and proponents of a clash of cultures, are in fact working hand in hand with the global civil war.some are promoting their version of islam to terrorism, while others offer to the peoples of the west, the vision of islam through the media wahhabisée with objectivity and independence have become subjects of ridicule. the confusion around islam is another problem: the profound ignorance of the history of the islamic revelation.ignorance is maintained by the wahhabis who, even if they are aware of the quran by heart, to ignore the context of the verses on the war. an approach that rejects a priori in the quran when he refers to "the heart" deviant "are what the koran of taste disorder and by looking for questionable interpretations." (2).on the rare occasions that we quote the koran are supposed to demonstrate its inherent violence from a phrase of verse, himself from a group of verse together. the phrase is quoted to show that the koran is common to the murder of christians and jews, is this: "now that you have given up.but if it is placed in its context, it is not for christians and jews, but pagan makkans and the persecution of the early muslims. "fight on" the path of god to those who fight against you, but without committing aggression: god hates the attackers. now that you have run away from where they are removed.because the disorder is more serious than murder. but don't you to the shrine than you are. they are the same, however, if they are, then god is merciful. "(2): sorry, 190, 192). see also: scandal: the big bathing prohibited in morocco.the purpose here is not to engage in an exercise to meet the analytical standpoint but non scientific statements, if widespread, bearing in mind the circumstances of the war, after the exile of the prophet to medina. for thirteen years, the prophet was in fact subjected to harassment and humiliation, mecca, it i was forced to make. the makkans.with this early success, the project is designed to eliminate the prophet. it is in this case that the qur'an was the fight... "permission is given to those who have been fighting for the unfairness to those who were displaced from their homes against the law, just because they say," our lord is the god "(22: 39 and 40).
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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