Si vous souffrez d’acné kystique jamais telles aire de jeux ball taill ترجمة - Si vous souffrez d’acné kystique jamais telles aire de jeux ball taill الإنجليزية كيف أقول

Si vous souffrez d’acné kystique ja

Si vous souffrez d’acné kystique jamais telles aire de jeux ball taille des nodules sous la peau est incroyablement douloureuse au toucher, vous savez que ce n’est pas amusant. Et frustrant, peuvent poursuivre ces crétins, tellement peu même plus longtemps que les boutons et points noirs.

L’acné kystique sans aucun doute un des types plus difficiles de l’acné, dit Dundee Engelman, un dermatologue dans Manhattan dermatologie et chirurgie esthétique à New York, et c’est surtout parce qu’ils n’ont aucun en-tête ou ouvrir. Dont libération pentène huile et les bactéries qui provoque des malaises et des douleurs extrêmes.

Alors pourquoi tombons-nous eux en premier lieu ((l’acné kystique est causée par les variations hormonales et les bactéries de l’acné)) dit Joel Schlessinger, un dermatologue et conseiller rilsilf., « les niveaux d’hormones élevés causent production d’huile excessive, causant pores à gonfler, alors que le pétrole pourrait atteindre la surface de la peau se rompt sous et provoque l’inflammation s’étend aux tissus environnants. « Cette belle série d’événements qui entraînent ecchymoses tendre et irrité et des démangeaisons parfois même sous la peau. Mais le soulagement de la douleur possible. Les sept solutions suivantes qui aideront.

Laissé à lui-même,
Il s’agit de la butée de droite y toucher, serrer, piquer et insistance pour faire exactement cela. « tenter de faire éclater et l’acné kystique est l’une des pires choses que vous pouvez faire pour la peau, » dit Schlessinger. « ce type d’acné est jusqu’au-dessous de la surface qui ne sera pas même approchera la bosse, et au lieu de cela, vous retrouverez avec un endroit douloureux et sanglant où il est impossible de couvrir avec du maquillage, » de plus, peut conduire à la sélection de graves cicatrices. Répétez après nous : les pattes !.

Analgésique plus pop compagnie,
« Si vous avez de l’acné se sentir comme un élancement, prendre des advil ou l’ibuprofène peut aider à réduire l’inflammation et soulager les pressions qui causent la douleur, » dit Schlesinger. « Mais cela ne fonctionne pas pour l’acné kystique sans points noirs ou des boutons » suivez les instructions sur la bouteille pour s’assurer vous obtenez la dose correcte et essayez de les prendre avec un repas pour éviter d’abîmer l’estomac.

Application d’une pression chaude,
Chaleur et la vapeur d’un accueil chaleureux de gant de toilette peuvent aider à améliorer la circulation et même accélérer le processus de guérison. « tremper une débarbouillette dans l’eau tiède et maintenez-le directement sur la tache pendant environ cinq minutes, » dit Schlessinger., répétez ces étapes avec trois fois par jour jusqu'à ce que la cassure guérisse. Vous pouvez également ajouter l’Aloe Vera gel désinfectant linge et doucement massage autour du bouton motif caressant le haut, dit Ruben Reyna, esthéticienne haven resort à New York.
Ou l’accès à la pression à froid
Cela peut aider à réduire l’inflammation et apporter un soulagement temporaire de l’awesomeness dans la région. Et qui s’est tenue la compresse froide enveloppé dans une serviette sur la peau pendant environ une minute et retirez pendant 5 minutes puis remettez ensuite pendant une minute de plus, dit Schlesinger. « Il a répété trois fois par jour selon les besoins. » Robin recommande un allégement supplémentaire, rendant la compression à la camomille à la place., dit : « il aidera à apaiser et calmer la peau, camomille. », « faire une tasse le matin et laisser au réfrigérateur sharp alors que j’étais au travail. Dès que vous rentrez, tremper une serviette en papier dedans et de le porter comme un masque sur la zone touchée.

Éviter les traitements de l’acné, de séchage
Étant donné que l’acné kystique se produit jusqu'à présent sous la surface de la peau et l’utilisation séchage des traitements destinés à d’autres types de boutons juste épuisera l’humidité de la zone environnante avant d’atteindre même pour le kyste, cela peut causer des irritations et même infection. Au lieu de cela, appliquez un sérum qui peut être absorbé et la couche de baume dessus pour forcer le produit comme bouché, dit angliman. Elle aime est Pro « sérum avance plus » la guérison clinique [142$,] parce qu’il contient zinc, qui aide à guérir les plaies et « aromatique baumier purification darvin » [70$,].

Utiliser un rétinoïde de prescription,
Skip OTC traitements topiques rétinoïde topique accéder à la place. Schlessinger a dit « votre dermatologue peut prescrire pour pores déboucher et nettoyer l’acné et réduire les défauts futurs. » Qui imprègne les pores, également accroître l’efficacité des rétinoïdes aide d’autres médicaments topiques tels que l’acide salicylique ou le peroxyde de benzoyle.

Obtenir un coup de cortisone,
Besoin d’une solution miracle ? Une dose concentrée d’un stéroïde qui réduit l’inflammation sous la peau et réduit les signes de gonflement et même accélère le temps de guérison. Schlessinger dit cortisone est une
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
If you suffer from cystic acne ever such playground ball size of nodules under the skin is incredibly painful to the touch, you know that it's not fun. And frustrating, can pursue these knuckleheads, so little even longer than the buttons and blackheads.Cystic acne without a doubt one of the most difficult types of acne, says Dundee Engelman, a dermatologist in Manhattan Dermatology and cosmetic surgery in New York, and it's mainly because they have no header or open. Pentene release oil and bacteria that causes discomfort and extreme pain.So why do we get them in the first place ((cystic acne is caused by hormonal changes and the acne bacteria)) says Joel Schlessinger, a dermatologist and Advisor rilsilf, "high hormone levels cause excessive oil production, causing pores to swell, while oil could reach the surface of the skin ruptures under and causes inflammation extends to the surrounding tissue. '" This beautiful series of events that sometimes even cause bruising tender and irritated and itching under the skin. But the possible pain relief. The following seven solutions that will help.Left to itself,This is the right stop touching, tighten, Sting and insistence to do exactly this. "try to burst and cystic acne is one of the worst things you can do to the skin," says Schlessinger. "this type of acne is far below the surface that won't not even approach the bump, and instead, you end up with a painful and bloody place where it is impossible to cover with makeup,", can lead to the selection of serious scars. Repeat after us: legs!More pop analgesic company,."If you have acne feel a twinge, take some advil or ibuprofen can help reduce inflammation and relieve the pressures that cause pain," says Schlesinger. "But this does not work for cystic acne without blackheads or pimples" follow the instructions on the bottle to make sure you get the correct dose and try to take them with a meal to avoid damaging the stomach.Application of hot pressure,Heat and steam of a warm washcloth can help improve circulation and even speed the healing process. "soak a washcloth in warm water and hold it directly on the stain for about five minutes," says Schlessinger., repeat these steps with three times a day until the fracture to heal. You can also add Aloe Vera gel disinfectant cloth and gently massage around the button pattern stroking upward, said Ruben Reyna, beautician haven resort in New York.Or access to cold pressingThis can help to reduce inflammation and provide temporary relief of the awesomeness in the region. And held the cold compress wrapped in a towel on the skin for a minute and remove for 5 minutes then put it back then for a minute more, said Schlesinger. "He repeated three times per day as needed." Robin recommends additional relief, making the compression with chamomile to the place, said: "it will help to soothe and calm the skin, Chamomile.", "make a Cup in the morning and leave in the refrigerator sharp while I was at work. As soon as you get home, soak a towel in paper in it and wear it as a mask on the affected area.Avoid the acne treatments, dryingSince cystic acne occurs until present under the surface of the skin and use drying treatment for other types of just buttons will deplete the humidity of the area before reaching even to the cyst, this can cause irritation and even infection. Instead, apply a serum that can be absorbed and the balm top layer to force the product as clogged, said angliman. She likes is Pro "serum advance more" clinical healing [$142,] because it contains zinc, which helps to heal the wounds and "aromatic Balsam purification darvin" [$70,].Use a prescription retinoid,Skip OTC topical treatments topical retinoid access instead. Schlessinger said "your dermatologist can prescribe for pores lead and clean acne and reduce future defaults." Which permeates the pores, also increase the effectiveness of retinoids using other topical medications such as salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.Get a cortisone shot,Need a quick fix? A dose concentrated a steroid that reduces inflammation in the skin and reduces signs of swelling and even speeds up the healing time. Schlessinger said cortisone is a
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
If you have never cystic acne such playground ball size nodules under the skin is incredibly painful to the touch, you know it's not fun. And frustrating, can continue these morons, so even little longer than pimples and blackheads.

Cystic acne without doubt one of the most difficult types of acne, Dundee said Engelman, a dermatologist in Manhattan dermatology and plastic surgery New York, and it is mainly because they have no header or open. Whose release pent oil and bacteria that causes discomfort and extreme pain.

So why do we fall them in the first place ((cystic acne is caused by hormonal changes and acne bacteria)) said Joel Schlessinger, rilsilf a dermatologist and consultant. "the high levels of hormones cause excessive oil production, causing pores to swell, while oil could reach the surface of the skin breaks under and causes inflammation spreads to the tissues surrounding. "This beautiful series of events that cause bruising tender and irritated and sometimes even under the skin itching. But the relief of possible pain. The following seven solutions that will help.

Left to itself,
it is the right stop touching, squeezing, poking and insistence to do just that. "Attempting to detonate and cystic acne is one of the worst things you can do to the skin," says Schlessinger. "This type of acne is to below the surface that will not even approach the bump, and instead you end up with a painful and bloody where it is impossible to cover with makeup," of Furthermore, the selection can lead to severe scarring. Repeat after us:. Paws

Analgesic more pop company,
"If you have acne feel like a twinge, take Advil or ibuprofen can help reduce inflammation and alleviate the pressures that cause pain, "Schlesinger said. "But it does not work for cystic acne without blackheads or pimples" follow the instructions on the bottle to make sure you get the correct dose and try to take them with a meal to avoid damaging the stomach.

applying a hot pressure,
heat and steam of a warm washcloth can help improve circulation and even accelerate the healing process. "Soak a washcloth in warm water and hold it directly on the stain for about five minutes," says Schlessinger. Repeat these steps three times a day until the fracture heals. You can also add Aloe Vera gel disinfectant cloth and gently massage around the pattern button stroking the top, said Ruben Reyna, beautician resort haven in New York.
Or access to cold pressing
This can help reduce inflammation and provide temporary relief of awesomeness in the region. And held the cold pack wrapped in a towel on the skin for about a minute and remove for 5 minutes then turn over a minute, said Schlesinger. "He repeated three times a day as needed. "Robin recommends additional relief, making the compression chamomile instead, said." It will help to soothe and calm the skin, chamomile. "" Make a morning cup and refrigerate sharp while I was at work. As soon as you get home, soak a paper towel in it and wear it as a mask on the affected area.

Avoid acne treatments, drying
Since cystic acne occurs far below the surface of skin drying and use treatments for other types of buttons just deplete moisture from the surrounding area before reaching even the cyst, this can cause irritation and even infection. Instead, apply a serum that can be absorbed and the balm layer above to force the product as stuffy, said angliman. She loves Pro is "serum advance more" clinical cure [$ 142,] because it contains zinc, which helps to heal wounds and "aromatic balsam darvin purification" [$ 70,].

Use a retinoid prescription
Skip OTC topical treatments topical retinoid access instead. Schlessinger said "your dermatologist can prescribe for pores and lead to acne clean and reduce future defects. "Who permeates the pores, also increase the effectiveness of retinoids with other topical medications such as salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.

Get a shot of cortisone,
Need a quick fix? A concentrated dose of a steroid that reduces inflammation in the skin and reduce the signs of swelling and even accelerates the healing time. Schlessinger said cortisone is a
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
if you have acne, cystic ever such playground ball size of nodules under the skin is incredibly painful to the touch, you know that"s not funny. you may continue, and frustrating, so no longer as buttons and black spots.cystic acne without doubt one of the most difficult types of acne, a dermatologist in manhattan, engelman, dermatology and plastic surgery in new york city, and it is mainly because they have no header or open. alkenyl which release oil and bacteria that causes seizures and severe why did we fall in the first place (cystic acne is caused by hormonal changes, and the bacteria in the skin), said joel schlessinger, a consultant dermatologist and rilsilf., hormone levels are too high oil production, causing pores to increase, so that the oil could reach the surface the skin ruptures and causes inflammation spreads to the surrounding tissues. "this beautiful series of events that lead was irritated and itchy skin, bruising, and sometimes even under the skin. but to the relief of pain. the seven options that will help.left to its own is the right to stop it, and off to do just that. "try to burst and cystic acne is one of the worst things you can do to the skin," says schlessinger. "this type of acne is far below the surface that is not even close to the work, and instead, you will be left with a painful and bloody place, where it is impossible to cover it with makeup, in addition, may lead to the selection of scars. repeat after us off! .analgesic pop companyif you have acne feel a twinge, take some advil or ibuprofen can help reduce inflammation and relieve the pressure that cause pain, "said schlesinger. "but it"s not working for cystic acne and spots or pimples" and follow the instructions on the bottle to ensure you have the correct dose and try to take a meal in order to avoid damage to the stomach.application of hot pressure.the heat and steam to a warm washcloth can help to improve the flow and speed up the healing process. "soak a washcloth in warm water and hold it directly on the stain for about five minutes," said schlessinger., repeat the process three times a day until the fracture heals. you can also add the aloe vera gel disinfectant laundry and massage around the button and gently ground up, ruben says reyna, beautician haven resort in new york.access to the cold pressurethis may help to reduce inflammation and provide temporary relief of the awesomeness in the region. and held the cold pack wrapped in a towel on the skin for about a minute and take off for 5 minutes and then back for a minute, "schlesinger. "he repeated three times a day as needed. robin recommends a compression relief, making the place. chamomile, said: "it will help to soothe and calm the skin, chamomile. "make a cup in the morning and leave in the fridge. i was at work. when you get home, get a paper towel in it and wear it as a mask over the affected area.- acne treatments, dryingsince cystic acne is so far below the surface of the skin and the use of drying treatments to other types of buttons just out the moisture from the surrounding area to reach to the cyst, this can cause irritation and infection. instead, use a serum that can be absorbed, and the layer of ointment on it to make the product get said angliman. she likes is the "advance" serum clinical recovery ($142,] because it contains zinc, which helps to heal wounds and balsam aromatic purification darvin "($70,].use of a retinoid compound prescription- access to otc topical retinoid topical treatment room. schlessinger has said, "your dermatologist may prescribe for the pores to clean up acne, and to reduce defects in future. "in the pores, and also enhance the effectiveness of topical retinoids, other drugs, such as salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide.get a shot of need of a solution. a concentrated dose of a steroid, which reduces inflammation in the skin and reduces the
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